You know… I never really thought of this insanity through the racial lens… and now that I think of it, everything you wrote stands.
These characters ( celebrity types) keep adopting black kids for no other reason than the current trends ( which is why Charlize is now doing the whole “boy-girl” thing with her son… transgenders are in “fashion”)
Now, I am not going to say that the kid is ( or isn't) transgender… that is up to Jackson, but the reasoning behind it “When he was three he told me he was a girl…” is simply stupid.
3-year old say that they can fly, that they can run around the world in 2 steps.. and all sorts of other things which mean nothing more than that the child is growing up, learning, and trying to process the world around it… Now, if JAckson ( I believe that is the name of the kid) said that he was able to fly to the moon- would his “mother” have thrown him off the 37-th floor so that she could watch him fly????
I simply feel sorry for the kid- and not just this kid, I feel sorry for all the kids who were adopted by these characters because it was fashionable ( at a certain moment) to adopt a child from a lesser developed part of the world. These children never have a chance to grow up as normal people, instead they are treated as fashion accessories, something to boost your ratings or generate clicks…. And if getting just a bit more attention means that they can “change” the child's gender — It doesn’t matter — destroying an innocent life ( or two) is nothing in comparison with the publicity a stunt like that generates.
The entire setup is just sickening….