1 min readJul 11, 2019


You are right…. how can anyone doubt the wisdom of a man claiming that the moon is not real and that we are all ruled by a bunch of super-intelligent space-lizards…

Here is a fun game

Prove that anything that he says is true……

I mean, didn’t Icke say that the world was going to end in 1997 or 98??? We are still here, right? ( OR is it that the reptilians decided not to destroy the world just to make it look like ICke is wrong)

his game is so simple, yet people fall for it…

MAke gigantic claims so insane that there is absolutely no way they can be true- and then blame the lack of proof on some international ( or was it inter-planetary or inter-dimensional ) conspiracy dating thousands of years ….

Then, wrap up these claims in a couple of books, and sell them to individuals who are ready to believe anything, no matter how silly, for as long as it comes form the self-called “alternative” sources….

The followers get what they want… another theory which they can use to explain to themselves why their lives suck… and the author gets a couple of millions more on his account…

And again….

I challenge you, or anyone, to prove that anything that he says is true…

Or is it like with religion

We are all supposed to “feel” the truth — — roving anything is secondary.




Written by Q.

reporter/journalist, musician. writer, teacher…a chronicler & general smart ass

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