WTF , whenever anything that has to do with the state actually taking care of it’s citizens do semi-educated idiots who never experienced anything but their own, little, bubbles of existence start yelling “socialism” or “communism”????
It jjst makes no sense…
besides, even if what Berni is talking about comes under “socialism” ( something a whole lot of idiots confuse with communism- which are two completely different states of existence) I honestly see nothing bad in not having to think can you afford a Hospital when needed, or can your children get educated without having to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars.
In fact, I am quite certain that the author of this text would have nothing against socialism in a case when, for example, his child’s life would depend on the parents ability to pay enormous medical bills???
Masochism is a special state of mind…. combined with stupidity, it becomes dangerous to the society