2 min readJan 23, 2019


Wow… You must have has a lot of people bust your balls … ( well, in your case I suppose it would be right to say “bust your ovaries” ) about what/how you write…

I suppose that is the only way to explain why you automatically started saying that you do not hate men… when the subject never appeared in our discussion — and I sure as hell did not say you do :)

And..NO.. you did not offend me, nor an I see anything to be offended about in our exchange… truth be told I was slightly amused by how stubbornly you kept getting back to Kavaugh- which is why I had to ask Are you a Bot.. but, that little detail aside, I have not seen anything offensive, or “men-hating” in your writing…

I, sort of, like how passionate you are about what you believe in ( it has a lot of disadvantages, but at least you are sincere about your beliefs and ready to defend them) and in my experience being passionate about something does not mean that you hate whatever opposes your beliefs, it just means you are passionate …

But, I seem to be among the kind that is dying off…. A lot, and I mean a LOT of individuals nowadays tend to generalize stuff and project their own insecurities and fears upon whichever “issue of the day” might be at hand.. If I , for example , say that a certain “feminist” is wrong about something I am automatically branded as someone who hates women… If you try and defend your position, or say that a certain character is wrong about something, you become a man-hater… And the same thing applies to too many subjects in today's societies… We can not seem to have in issue with one person, one idea or one notion.. we become nationalist, racist, anti-Semitic, xenophobic….

I mean, is it that difficult to imagine that someone ( me for example) meant ONLY what I wrote ( said) and nothing else??? That there is no hidden hatred, sexism or bigotry lying in there…

People who turn everything into something it is not are doing a great disservice to whatever their issue is. It is a well known fact that if you actively keep looking for something you will, eventually, find it ( even when it isn't there) … If you keep listening to every word others say or write in active search of things you can interpret as “negative” , not only that you will never hear what the other one is saying ( you are to concentrated in your search for “proof” of that persons bias too be able to understand their sentence) , but you will end up hearing and seeing that negative aspect in everyone and everything…

I am starting to expand too much here….

So… do not worry… I was not offended by anything you said… and I really had no inkling about the men-hating thing until you brought it up …

Keep up the good work




Written by Q.

reporter/journalist, musician. writer, teacher…a chronicler & general smart ass

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