Well, in a way, they do…. but that is what they are supposed to be doing anyway.
This entire “Millennial” BS is starting to get really annoying- and, I do not really get it.
Are they loud, disrespectful, self-centered and, generally , completely unaware of anything outside their interest zone??? Yes- but, to the best of my recollection, me and the rest of my “Generation X-ers” have been known to make the older generation call us the same ( and much worse) things.
And it was the same for those before us, and those before them…..
What the Millenials are ( and are doing) is nothing more than what every ( social) generation has been doing for a long time now. They are growing up in world which is as it is and they are learning how to function and make the best of it within whatever parameters their surroundings are setting up.
Yeah, I get it…. It is easy to snap at the Millennial with an e-cigarette in one hand and a super-mocca-latte-frapuccino ( or whatever it is they are drinking these days) in another, listening to whatever it is they listen on their mobile phones… but, that is the millennial version of me holding a joint and a vodka bottle and listening to Slayer on a worked-over ghetto blaster … or my dad’s cigarette and beer ( from when he was young ) with whatever it was they liked listening to coming from the jukebox
Yes, some of the things with Millenials are difficult to understand — for some it might be the things like “perfectly cut strawberries”… for others the reliance on social networks and the internet. But that is the whole point isn’t it???? It hasn't been that long since I was that young ( although it seems that it was) … but I do remember how many things that we did were completely incomprehensible to anyone just a couple of decades older than we…
Yes, I admit it, in a lot of ways Millennials seem naive and soft— but if you actually talk to them — you realize that they are not naive at all… They simply have their fashions, their foods, their music…. Their lives… And the fact that the older ones are criticizing — too me is proof that the kinds are on the right track. I mean, if the Millennials were still listening to what I am listening, wore the clothes that I wore, read the same books and have the same notions — it would mean that the world has ground to halt…
Whenever I get caught in these discussions, I like to remind myself of something a Greek philosopher wrote — It is usually attributed to Plato :
“ What is happening to our young
people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They
ignore the law. They riot in the streets inflamed with wild notions.
Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?”
Seems familiar???!!!!
“The millennials” is only another way of saying “The young” and that is what this entire thing is all about…
I generally dislike using quotes, but in this case, another one is just trying out to be used….
“The problem with the youth of today’ is that one is no longer part of it.”
Salvador Dali….
And that is all there is to it.
A bunch of grown-ups who can not understand that the youth of today is not the youth of yesterday, nor does it want to be…. And that despite the fact that things have changed drastically in the past couple of decades, and that having 40+..50 year old’s ( both male and female) who have made it to their middle age by avoiding any real responsibility and with that any notion of “growing up” — Who have started believing in the “40 is the new 20” ( mainly because they are 40+) so much that they still believe they are 20 — — the truth is that the NEw generation is coming…. and it is the Millenials, with all their frapucinnos, funny hairstyles and funny eating habbits….
What I am wondering…..
what will the next generation have to do in order to annoy millenials?????