Well…. a lot of men who are, basically, self-centered idiots, try to pass themselves as “nice guys”… As the article showed, most of them drop the mask the moment their “niceness” is refused….
At the same time , there are women who can be defined as pretty nasty characters , which try to pass themselves as “good girsl/women/persons ( I do not know what the PC expression in english is nowadays) … and who drop their act and show themselves the moment they see the other person is not buying it…
There is a shi…load of men, out there, who have reached their 30s and their 40s by having two sexual partners during their entire lifetime ( hookers not included) , which try to present themselves as players…
And there is about the same number of women who had fun while bed-hopping for years which try to present themselves as some sort of inxeperienced , almost innocent characters ( Guys how many times have you heard the … : I only had one, maybe two, partners before you …line???)
There are men who will present themesleves as ritch, successful or whatever the first time they meet someone. While in fact they are unemployed parasites.
And there are woman who go out on a date wearing ( and showing off) a fake ass, breast implants, wigs and as much make up as to change their faces completely … the ones with whom, unfortunate- or simply extremely horny, idiots wake up next to just to see that the woman that is lying there looks nothing like the one they went to bed with….
People lie… especially when it comes to getting laid, or presenting a “better” image of themselves to their potential future partner. And both men and women do it in their own ways… In fact, I have met very few individuals ( both male and female) who present themselves as the persons they truly are during the first couple o dates.
( Full disclosure- I always both respected and loved the women who are that sincere… even more than 20 years later I remember the one who , on our first date, said “Q: I had 32 partners before you — which was almost unbelivable for our society at the time, especially since we were both just out of high school… if you have a problem with that, lets cut it off right now”…… We stayed together for quite a while)
And some will try to keep the lie going for years.
But these are the things we all know…( at least the ones who have reached the age of 15) …
It is up to both men and women to be able to tell the differnece between the one who is trying to present themselves as something, and the ones who truly are …. And, if after a certain age, we still buy into the same old tricks and keep ending up making the same mistakes with the same kind of characters, it only means that we do not want to learn. Not that “all men are lying jerks”, or that “all women are whoring sluts”… but that the women who keep ending up with “jerks” and the men who keep ending up with “sluts” are seeking out these kind of partners , and then getting dissapointed because “another one…” showed his/her true colors….