truth be told, both the conservatives and the progressives are using the same tactics, same methods, very often even the same language… It has become very difficult to be able to tell them apart — both have become extremely militant, completely closed off to outside opinions and inputs… I can go on like this, but you get the point
Both are pushing their followers towards becoming nothing more than nodding masses that agree with everything their leaders say and fully believe that whatever they say MUST be the right way and that everything else is “fake news”- “propaganda” etc…
I lokk at it like this
The “leaders” in both camps figured out that the tactics are working in securing support from their base- so, whilst they keep lying to their followers, and the people keep getting more and more polarized, the “leaders” get to keep their lucrative positions and figure out business deals which make them rich…
The rest is just a game designed to have idiots believe that their word, or themselves, matter to the ones they keep following