This things reminds me of an interview I saw some 25- 30 years ago…. A frontman of a death metal band was telling the interviewer: “…& all these kids that scream anarchy still want electricity and warm water for their showers once they stop screaming and go back home"….
It’s the same with “ no official narratives “ idea…. It might seem good on paper, ( or during one of those “intellectual” cafe discussions) , but the simple fact is that it could never work- at least not in any good way.
The whole premise depends on everyone being both propperly informed and being absolutely truthful and without any, hidden, thoughts ideas or agendas- and, humanity is still very, very far away from anything similar.
Although a lot of people do distrust official narratives- a large part of it is nothing more than simple fashion. In a lot of social circles , ve it on the left or the right side of the spectrum, One can not seem “cool", up to date, or even “properly informed “ if one doesn’t disagree with everything coming from official sources and, instead, quotes some internet theory that has very little to do with truth. A lot of it is also because a bunch of people have issues accepting the truth- that the world is a chaotic unregulated place in which random things happen with no apparent reason. In the old days, those who had this issue went after religion ( He works in mysterious ways) — nowadays it’s various theories “proving” that everything that happens is a part of a plan developed and put into action by shadow governments, super rich paedophile cabal, or lizzard aliens who rule the world disguised as Merkel, xi and other heads of states. When in fact, quite often, things just happen…. The “ lab theory “ of covid is just another reincarnation of the same old story that has been around for decades now. People who remember the 80s and early 90s probably remember the exact same stories going around about HIV, then, later on, every new infection that popped out was also presented by some individuals as “lab-made"… mad cow disease, bird flue, pig influenza, SARS…. There were always a bunch of those “it can not be random, it’s a plan" individuals who kept saying and “proving" how each and every one of them was made in a lab and then somehow got out….. As if it never happened for a virus to mutate or develop anew and show up as an unknown disease…. It kept happening since the dawn of humanity, and it will keep happening- no human intervention needed.
With all their bias, lack of all the details, sometimes stupidity official narratives are needed- given that they can be much better if we took politics out of them . Yet, without them- what would happen? We would be faced with millions of opinions, ideas and fact-readings that are all “equally important"- it is difficult enough to navigate all the various “information sources" that are out there right now. Now- imagine if each and every one of us became one of those sources- there will be no way of knowing the truth-
Russian intelligence works on a similar principle. They figured out that if they want to kill a story, or make it appear unimportant, they shouldn’t put one or two competitive narratives out there. Instead, through all sorts of outlets ( a lot of them western) they put out dozens, even hundreds of “theories" and “explanations”…. None of which are true but they all serve the same purpose: drowning the truth with noise- and considering the “I don’t trust the officials “ fashion they are being very efficient at it.
Western powers do the same- often purposefully making themsleves look bad in order to have people believe exactly what they want- while officially saying something else. Just think of all the aircraft testing which has been hidden behind UFO reports.
And the best part of it ( when the powers that be) are concerned, is that the ones who spread the “unofficially official “ narratives usually have no idea that they are doing it. They often believe they are doing quite the opposite- discovering something that is “secret"- when the “secret “ is what was supposed to come out anyway. I worked with the UNDPI for a while and my superior was a category 1 spin doctor. Many times I have seen him preparing his press conference in a way that he would say certain things which would make reporters jump on them believing he made a gaffe- when that was what he wanted to talk about on the first place- the reporters were usually so happy to have “cought him out" that they always failed to deal with much more important things…. Thus publishing exactly what he wanted with the added bonus that no one questioned these stories since they apparently came out of an “official slip"…
Although official narratives are far from perfect , they are still based on some piece of truth and they go through a control process by someone who knows something about the subject — they are unreliable but they are still better than putting our trust in information that comes from individuals who have no expertise in things they talk about but- they have “opinions “, and “ideas"…..
Just think of how many millions of COVID deaths can be attributed to those who claimed there is no virus and it’s all a hoax. Why trust doctors and virologists when John or Carrie from Facebook ( none of which went to college, let even know anything about viruses) have a better ( cooler) sounding explanation??