3 min readJan 21, 2020


There are quite a few reasons why the expression “white nationalist” , is illogical and wrong… and it should not be used by anyone…

First I have to ( again) say that most of Americans, ( of all races ) when writing about various issues keep making the mistake of looking, and speaking, of the entire planet through the lenses of their own society. And although some of the problems exist elsewhere- generalizing is never good- and it never brings the desired results.

Which is why so many people from Europe ( and other parts pf the planet) , get slightly frustrated when , whilst speaking of racism, Americans keep referring to “white people” in a generalized manner, thus encompassing, within their framework, millions and millions of individuals who , not only have no issues with racism etc, but a lot of which have never even encountered the problems being discussed.

Then, there is the little fact that when speaking of inequalities and social setup- there is over-use of “white people’s privilege”- although it might stand true in parts ( or entire) US, it truly does not work outside American borders. There are many, maaany… people in the Balkans, for example, who will tell you that being carries no privilege if you are from the Balkans or eastern Europe — if given the metaphorical choice, most of them would say that they would prefer living as non-white in the US, instead of the “privileged” life they have as white individuals from the Balkan nations. In fact, large swathes of white peoples have suffered quite a lot, and have been clonozed, bought and sold nad treated as sub-humans by other whites- in vast majority of cases, by the same white nations that caused most of the suffering of the non-whites.

Then there is the issue of the Expression itself, although some “leaders” of the white extremist groups tend to , sometimes, claim otherwise- there is no “White nation” … there are white people who fall under various nationalities, we can be Irish, Albanian, Polish, French…. but using the expression “white” as a nation is not only wrong… but simply funny to anyone who managed to finish elementary school. By not having a “white nation”- there is no logic in saying “white nationalism”- — in fact, it should be referred to as 4 what it is pure Racism- nothing else

What I find interesting is that, among the White supremacy idiots, vast majority of “white nationalists” — have roots which can be traced to the same few countries/nations — which is why there will never bee too many Irish, Albanian, or Let’s say, Armenian supporters of these theories and policies

In fact, when talking about “white people being white”- what you -referring to are , some white people, whose roots come from certain European countries, and who are now living in the US…

Maybe, instead of “white people” — we should start saying “American Wasp’s” … or something along those lines — since, just like there are many, various “black”, “brown” or “asian” nations and individuals, there are also many, different nations and individuals among the whites and lumping the rest of us in the same basket as American Wasps is quite unfair




Written by Q.

reporter/journalist, musician. writer, teacher…a chronicler & general smart ass

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