The whole idea might be difficult to explain, but I’m gonna give it a try:
I am not religious, in fact, there are probably very few things I dislike more than religion, so, I don’t know much about praying. But, a long , long time ago ( a galaxy ….) I was researching all sorts of “esoteric knowledge”, which is where I first ran into the concept of “As above so below” or, what has generally become known as “Visualization” . … The basic concept is simple enough: If, through a certain process of concentrating our thoughts, we manage to create an image of something we want in the atsral sphere, it will become true in the physical world….. The price: Depends what you wish for but beware, Karma is a Bitch and you are twisting the flow of things according to your desires.
The same principle is found in all religions in the notion of prayer: IF you pray long enough and hard enough God is going to fulfill your prayer.
And there is more than just this
In the eastern teachings, in order to be able to concentrate your thoughts properly, you need to do a few things first, like meditate, in a very specific. While doing it, you need to concentrate on certain Chakra’s and vocalize ( Humm) certain sounds/frequencies depending on the Chakra etc…
In religions, organized prayer is always accompanied by chanting/singing which keeps within a certain range of frequencies.
I am not going to over-expand this and get into a lecture of sound frequencies and how they affect our brains, but let’s just say that it has been known, for a while now, that different frequencies affect our brains in a different way. And There’s even a whole industry of “calming” sounds built around that. Frequencies also influence objects around us, just think of a glass breaking when a singer hits a certain note- it happens because the not matches the natural frequency of the glass. And if one knows that sound can “break” objects in reality. IS it that long of a shot to start thinking that it might even “change” these objects.
So, we are, basically, talking about the same thing: The idea of changing/influencing reality through a process of using certain frequencies to concentrate thoughts and change reality according to our will.
And this is where Schrodinger and his cat come in.
What if it’s not the observation that “freezes” particles into a set state ( AKA “Dead cat or live cat”) — but our awareness of them. To Schrodinger, and , it seems, everyone else- it appears as it is the act of observing which is the catalyst for “freezing” but - when we observe something we’re conscious of it- and it’s momentary state. In fact , there can not be an observation, unless the observer is conscious of both himself, and what he/she’s observing.
So, ( And yes, I know it is a very long shot) could it be that our ancestors, at a certain point, understood the principles of what we now call quantum mechanics and even developed systems for attempting to influence the spin of particles and have them set in a pre-desired state? With what we see now with prayer, or old esoteric rituals, being the remnants of these attempts.