2 min readJan 11, 2021



Or: The good side of the fact that the police treated BLM protesters differently from the Trump supporters.

With all the critiques and complaints, as well as various “theories” about the way the DC police acted during the riots in the capitol, and the endless “they were much tougher on BLM” complaints, a lot of people are missing one, possible, version of events. Maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t that bad that the DC police and the authorities acted much tougher on BLM protesters , and maybe, the Trump supporters were, in fact, allowed to do what they did on purpose.

How many of you think that if the authorities blocked the capitol, sent out thousands of cops in riot-gear and , basically, stopped the trump supporters from getting inside the senate and “showing themselves”- would have any of the things that followed the riots happen? It was the senseless rioting of Trump's supporters, and the calls that the Trump made, which became the proverbial straw that broke the camels back and made many republicans, , even some of the closest allies of TRump turn their back on him and start calling for his resignation.

It can be argued that, if the police treated the Trump supporters the same way it did the BLM protesters, then, there would have been no riot, no destruction in the senate, so, no real reason for all of those who turned against trump in his final days in the office to do so. There would not have been any calls for the invocation of the 25th amendment, and no calls for the second impeachment. In fact, what Trump believed would be his “big moment” — the one where armies of his followers show up to show the states and the world who “the real winner” is became the moment that finally brought him down, not only in front of the majority of voters who voted against him anyway, but in the eyes of those who, until dec 6th, believed that he may not be as much of a disaster for the United states ( and the world) as he has proven to be.

even if it wasn’t on purpose, but due to various sets of circumstances, the lack of serious action by the capitol police did help the riots to happen, but it also helped push Trump in a corner from which, it seems, he has no way of backing out.

All in all… Allowing the idiots to run amok in the name of Trump, seems to have been the worst thing anyone could have done to him…. Or that he could have done to himself…..




Written by Q.

reporter/journalist, musician. writer, teacher…a chronicler & general smart ass

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