3 min readJun 22, 2021


The left isn’t failing due to “sabotage”, psyops or any of these. The left has been failing ( progressively during the past 2 decades or so) because, with it’s stands and policies, it has been alienating a large number of older supporters and failing to attract enough new ones due to the simple fact that the left is not that “left" anymore.

Meaning it has become more dogmatic, exclusive and close- minded than the right. It has, in a way, become the exact opposite of what it is supposed to represent and the “you’re either with us or against us" way of thinking doesn’t help. The flood of “left-wing" , analysts, writers, scribophiles and all sorts of wannabe intellectuals who figured out that “left" is the current fashion and all one has to do to appear smart or open-minded is to keep repeating a few memorised sentences and criticize everything that comes from the west ( a.k.a “the empire") doesn’t help the left at all. Then there is the small fact that a lot of these “left wingers" are getting paid really good to keep saying how capitalism is a really bad thing…. The left has become an excersize in futility and a new way for some people to gather support and funds. ( just think of the irony of tens of millions of dollars which are made every year by people selling che Guevara T-shirts and coffee cups to self-professed-fashionable leftists — when Che died fighting against the very principle that sells his image to millions)

I always thought of myself as being “a leftie", but, honestly, the way the left looks at a lot of things, and the way it deals with anyone who doesn’t seem to think and believe everything they’re supposed to think and believe has made me think that either I never was that much on the left, or that the only “left" thing that is left on “the left" is the name.

Go and sit in any gathering of leftists, conference, group talk, even a few people talking over drinks in a bar- and you will hear the same things being repeated in the same way. You will hear endless talk of injustices of the society, the “horror “ of “the empire" and everything else that goes with it. But you will never hear any ideas about how to solve those issues, or any real thoughts on how to improve things. They all know very well that criticizing is easy, but doing something is hard — so, they stick to repeating the same dogmatic lines and lash out on anyone who even attempts to point out these details…

In the past years I have had much more open and constructive conversations with people from “the right", than the supposed “leftists" who have become incapable of hearing, let alone accepting anything that doesn’t fit into the tight norms of what they have been told to think by a few influential “intellectuals”….

And now, ( as almost always with human beings) — it’s refusing to accept it’s fault that it has strayed waaaaay of the path and that it has become more closed- minded than the right- so, the fault must come from outside…that those who think for themselves are now as disgusted by the left as they are with the right . So, It must be a “sabotage” or something similar….

The left has to find a way to go back to what it was, to rid itself of the dogma, the fashionista “intellectuals” and “free thinkers" ( who keep selling their thoughts at extremely high prices) as well as the fake facade it has built around what it’s supposed to represent if it wants to be relevant in the next decade or so…. Otherwise, well… it’s already been said…

The only left thing that is left on “the left" is its name- and those who truly want want “the left" says it represents know it--- and everyday more and more of us are being pushed away by “the left"- which has become exactly the same as the right




Written by Q.

reporter/journalist, musician. writer, teacher…a chronicler & general smart ass

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