Make no mistake. All of these extremes, often opposing each other, popping up their heads at more or less the same time , all over the western countries, are not a simple coincidence.
Most, if not all of them, are directly, or indirectly sponsored by Moscow or it’s allies. at times quite open. And even those that , at the first glance, do not seem to have anything similar to Russian system or policies ( like a lot of the more militant LGBTQ groups, or a of the “liberal” intellectuals) they all do have the same enemy and serve the same purpose, very often not even realizing what they truly doing. Which is why you see so many individuals who would be executed for who they are in some places support the very systems and entities that would gladly eradicate them.
From the extreme right-wing idiots who idolize Hitler and dream of “whites only” countries, through the ( above mentioned) “liberal” intellectuals, militant 2SLGBTQ or “environmentalist” groups as well as the politicians who keep saying that Ukraine is “not our war” …. all the way to radicalized young Muslims , they are all fighting the same enemy : the western societies and the way of life.
And the entire thing does bare amazing similarities to classic KGB ( nowadays FSB or GRU) public opinion operations.
You see, a long time ago, Kremlin realized that the most efficient way to fight a certain fact/narrative , is not with an opposing narrative. But with many, many opposing narratives. It didn’t matter if these narratives clashed with each other, for as long as they held a small fraction of ( twisted) truth and were able to cast a speck of doubt. that made it much much more difficult to figure out what the truth is and it also divided the target audience into many different groups. considering that the goal was not to insert a certain narrative, but to destroy the existing one, this approach was preferred by them.
And this is exactly what is happening in the west. ( and yes it is all one giant propaganda operation) The system is not being made to fight one enemy at one front, or even from one direction, it is being attacked by all sides , in such a way that it’s very base is starting to shake.
For, one or two, or even three groups, movements… call them what you want, that oppose a system are not a real danger. But dozens of them, all with opposing agendas but capable of getting some support from a limited number of people, have a multiplying factor which, if not put under control quickly, can tear the society apart . Recent riots in some European cities , in which groups and individuals who otherwise could not tolerate each other jointly created havoc are just a precursor.
and that is exactly what the purpose is.
It is not for any of them to “win” . It is for the western society to become so fragmented that the system itself will collapse making the west to “loose” . And the worst part is that waaay to many westerners are making it more and more possible every day, by falling into any of the extremes.