OK… what I am about to ask is not directly connected to the subject at hand… but I have been wondering about this for a while…
I ve been trying to read and understand as much as I can about various things and one of the most difficult concepts to grasp logically has always been the quantum element of reality being decided by the observer ( shroedinger’s cat which is both alive and dead until someone takes a look inside the box) — OK, I finally got that one figured out, but it got me thinking about something else…. Is it only observation that decides the reality, and might there be another way to make a system “freeze” and decide will our reality show the cat as dead or alive.
In old, eastern, philosophies, the idea off visualization is well known and the principle of “as above so below” has been a driving force among many of these beliefs. For those of you who are not familiar with the concept- the idea is simply, there are two levels of existence, the physical- which we all see and feel, and the astral, which influences ( if not decides) what happens in the physical realm. Although we are in a physical setup- our thoughts and beliefs can influence the astral and- if we concentrate hard enough “visualize” something we want and truly believe that it has/ it will become reality- then our thoughts will create an image of that in the astral sphere- and it will mirror in the physical world.
In a way, the same principle applies to the monotheistic religions where the believers are taught to “Pray hard” and if they do it long enough, and strong enough, their prayers will be answered. Now, ( in all my understanding) most people who pray, during prayer, one way or another visualize the things they are praying for- thus putting in effect the eastern idea of visualization. So, if they manage, through prayer, to create an image of what they’re praying for- it should become reality and confirm to the principle of “as above so below”
Now what if ( and it is an enormous what if) the old ones did know something about what we are just discovering and there is a correlation between the power of visualizing ( imagining a certain reality) and reality itself- the way we see it. especially since, it has been well established that the reality we see is not the “real” reality. Take into account that everything has it’S frequency, and that our thoughts also have frequencies which can be measured- and there is a lot of proof that certain frequencies place certain effects upon our brains — then the question becomes :
If Shroedinger’s cat is both alive and dead until the moment the observer happens to open the box and randomly “decide” which one it is- then is it so much of a leap of imagination to wonder that, together with observation, reality can also be influenced through thought processes, intense beliefs, — prayer or “visualization” — that the frequencies generated by intense mental processes somehow, might influence what we accept as reality ?
Just asking