Oh… it’s not just the MSM… if anything, china has become the go-to entity when it comes to throwing Covid 19 blame, or both sides: Liberal and conservative, the Mainstream and “alternative “ media, the ones who believe they think with their own heads- as well as those who accept that they’re repeating what their “authority” said.
There is unison of voices finding various ways to blame China ranging from The New YOrk times to Alex Jones and his infowars… Although they stand opposed on everything else- Blaming china for this seems to unite them…while the audiences are more than happy to see anyone who is pointing a finger across the pacific.
For quite some time now, china has been becoming the main pop-culture villain, slowly replacing the Russians and the Muslims, it's intentions are always “suspicious” , it’s plans are always “expansionist” and their people always seem to live in a totalitarian society with absolutely no freedoms which is only Marginally better than the one in North Korea ( the fact that vast majority of Chinese citizens do not seem to are with all those descriptions seldom processes)
talk to anyone from a spice vendor in Istanbul's Topkapi to the suits eating Brunch at 2nd avenue, and most of them will knowingly tell us that the Chineese have been spying on everyone through the cheap electronics we like buying so much ( OK, there is a lot to be said about this) — that the Chineese immigrants are all Beijing spies that are “here” to destroy the country ( It doesn't matter which one) and that “they’re really, really smart- one day, soon, we will all wake up under beijings control….
and now- covid 19 just gave the entire thing a boost- as well as allowed a sh..tload of people who would have otherwise avoided speaking heir minds ( for good reason) a justification for the idiocies they spew.
And the blame does not fall only on the media or the politicians. Most people in the west( and east in fact) have been more than willing to accept any criticism and description painting China as the bad guy and the media ,have only voiced what a whole lot of people “felt” or “thought” they already knew: It is the fault of the Chinese … the proof is not needed. WE all know they are the bad guys.
In a lot of ways it is nothing more than camouflaged ( or not so camouflaged) racism: but with a unique twist in which most races seem to have found a unifying enemy… white,. Black, Brown… everyone is “certain” that it was the fault of “those yellow” Chinese-: “just look at what they did: started the pandemic, cured themselves, and let the rest of the world suffer- and when everyone's economies crash- they will buy as all”
No logic, science, or elementary proof functions, people everywhere simply “know” that it’s the fault of the evil Chinese, and no amount of logic, proof or science can make them change their minds.
The media have long ago moved away from the functioning model that we believe they should follow: publishing real stories and facts- instead they have become dependent on the sales, and people ( on any part of the spectrum) never buy the content they do not like. So, be it MSM be it “alternative” — no media will tell their audiences what they don’t want to hear thus loosing the audiences and the income — instead they tell their followers what they want to hear: That China and the Chinese are the villains — that they are sneaky, treacherous and hell bent on world domination: thus it only makes sense that they are to blame for covid 19.
Instead of blaming the media, the politicians… whomever: people should take a good look at themselves think why is it that they are so ready and willing to accept anything that “proves” that Beijing is the nasty player and that teh Chinese are the bad guys- even willing to spread disease all over the planet so that they will rule it