Not only that it will continue… but it will, most likely, get much worse ….
It is just a question of time before some really nasty groups or individuals figure out how to tap into the endless pool of resentment and hate that a lot of the Incel characters carry with them, and turn it into something truly destructive for the society…
It has already been proven that these guys, when pushed enough- or simply if they “flip”- can be extremely violent and turn that violence towards the society in general- Now, I can easily imagine a group like, lets say, ISIS, with sophisticated propaganda tools, deciding to use these incels and their resentment towards the society ( which apparently hates them), women as well as every other man who is not an incel , for their own causes… What do you think would have happened if there were groups of hundreds of Incels from middle east??? These guys would be blowing themselves up all over the place ( pun not intended) … but the West has enough extreme groups on its own and doesn't need any import of sick ideologies….
SO, the real danger lies in the fact that these guys, who already feel alienated and alone in a society which doesn't understand or respect them and their issues, and who are generally unstable individuals with weak and easily influenced characters — can be turned against the very society they live in…
And there is no quick fix….
At least not without making changes to the sole structure of the society which allowed the creation of incels in the first place