3 min readFeb 24, 2019


No prob….

In fact, ( I can not help but be honest)… my comment had less to do with your particular subject, and more with the insanity which is gripping the planet.

At first it was just the US, then it spread to the entire “western civilization” and now, with the expansion of “democracy”- which, in the world today can be translated as “free market capitalism” — has infected everyone else … I am talking about the disease ( call it what you want) of “individualism”…

People, individually, have been selfish creations from the start- but now, the philosophy of “own interests first” — and then everything else, has been ruining everything that made us ( humans) into what we are today.

People have been brain-washed into believing that thinking about the good, the needs, of the society/group… instead of concentrating on personal gain is a good thing. That somehow the only important thing in our existence should be the person we see in the mirror.

Which is why I said that your text goes beyond you, personally, and the issues of autistic male(s) … in truth it is an issue which has to do with each and every person on this planet- regardless of their gender, race and/or religion.

You realized, (just like I did a long time ago) that the only way we can be happy with our existence is within a context that involves ( one way or another) other people. Not as something that will help us reach a certain goal, but as the main factor in our happiness and fulfillment..

Old societies knew it very well, even mine- but, we have purposefully forgotten all about it in this modern world of ours…

You write :

“I will pour myself out as a living sacrifice upon the ground, I will empty myself in the pure and radiant and blazing kenosis of selfless, self-sacrificial love.

I will give nothing to myself, and demand nothing of others.

Everything I have belongs to my neighbor.”

It reminds me of the main principle in KAnuni i lekë DUkagjinit”… (a codex of rules, laws and social structures which ruled the Albanian society for centuries — also a wonderful example of a system which allows a society to regulate itself and function without the need for police, army any outside influence/regulation….)

It says “The house ( home) belongs to the guest and God”…. thus stating that even the house we live in, the one we built on our lands has been built in order to provide shelter for the traveler, the one who has no shelter, no food and no protection at the moment… the one which is our duty to help …

And it goes even further than that- basically it says that we are nothing on our own and that we are put on this earth to help others who are like us … ( nowadays it can be any group we feel comfortable with, but the point is in the “group” — not the individual. ) — That if we care and work for nothing but ourselves, we will never get anywhere

And despite what the limited little minds with ridiculously large egos say, there is no shame , nor is it in any way “bad” or “embarrassing” to help other people- in fact it is probably the most noble ( and practical) thing to do … The only way a person, a group , a society or humanity as a hole can move forward ( just like it has been moving until recently) is if we all move together… But that is being forgotten

Instead , we are taught to concentrate on our little worlds, filled with our little , personal, interests… which, no matter what we think of them , ( Or ourselves) are unimportant —

Which is why I applauded your text- or should I say your decision/way of thinking…

There are a looooooooot if people on this world who should be learning from you




Written by Q.

reporter/journalist, musician. writer, teacher…a chronicler & general smart ass

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