Yeah.. “friendly” matches sometimes end up in a not-so-friendly manner.
..” and they still question my karate class” — I am not 100% certain that this is a Universal truth, but from what I have seen the toughest , ( and the worst) injuries usually happen in “non-violent” ( For the lack of better word) sports. Whereas, martial arts, boxing, wrestling are, overall, much safer for the ones who practice them. It probably has something to do with the fact that people who step on a Tatami ( get into the ring) have been preparing and are ready for what is coming… SO, a Karate class is, in a way, much much safer then, let's say, a football mach.
BTW- just because you mentioned Karate my respect for you grew even further. I have a special place in my heart for those who learned and who practice it…. I find it difficult to explain to people that Karate is much more than teaching a person how to fight..