It was the MAfia…. even the KGB reached this conclusion.
They organized the killing of JFK as a revenge act for him double crossing the mafia clans in order to secure the votes needed for the presidency… JFK promised to look the other way when it comes to Mafia activities if they guarantee the support of Italian-American voters. SO he turnet to MArcello, Trafficante and giancana…. Who agreed with the proposed deal… The mafia delivered ( they always do) but JFk, and his brother Robert,after getting to the white house turned their backs on the mobsters and even started persecuting them much more intensely than in the previous decades. Probably believing that the Mob will not have the guts to go after a US president.
So, in order to make certain that everyone knows you do not double-cross the mafia, they brought in an assassin fron Europe , and ( with the help of certain CIA elements) even pin-pointed the proper scapegoat…
Then, after it was all done, the CIA got stuck with a dead president and had to go through loops in order to keep the lid, not on the Castro-assassination attempts, but on the fact that They and various other levels of US government have been actively cooperating with Mafia clans since, at least the late 1930-s and have been using the mafia power for various purposes… in return, they made sure that most of the mafia operations run smoothly while the law looks the other way…
At least, this is one of the possible scenarios…
And that is the thing — — the whole point of the JFK mess-up is to have as many competing narratives as possible, and all of them seem as likely to be true, as they are unlikely to be true…
Another thing about JFK is that the whole issue of his murder is keeping a lot of otherwise excellent minds, concentrated on something that has absolutely no importance in the world today — thus away from the current issues which are much more pressing…
The JFK assassination is the carrot the establishment keeps holding in front of the donkey, so that the donkey, who keeps running after the carrot, fails to see all the goodies he passes along the way, while he is running after that single carrot