1 min readFeb 4, 2019


It seems to me that things are getting worse, and they are doing fast….

It started off in the west, and now, it has engulfed the entire planet- the idea of consumerism of course ( which for some reason has become intrinsically connected to the idea of democracy and free market capitalism) — and even in the places in which the population, just a couple of decades ago, laughed and brushed off the ideas of consumerism as something evil , the new generations are completely obsessed with.. you guessed it.. THINGS. Objects which are utterly useless, which serve no real purpose but to show off some sort of a social status … Yet, they have become the center-pieces around which these “Individuals” ( have you noticed the rather interesting phenomena in which the people who are the loudest about the merits of “individualism” are exactly the ones that can not be told apart from the rest of the same bunch of “individuals” ) create their personalities… their selves ( the egos) defined not by achievement and merit but by the amount of stuff they own….

And you are right…unfortunately… it doesn't seem that things are going to get better any time soon… At least not until every human of the planet doesn't end up completely covered in all the SHitt he/she wants to posses, but also completely separated from every other human being on the world…

MAybe, once we are left all alone, we might start realizing what is truly important in life, and what is an advertising trick




Written by Q.

reporter/journalist, musician. writer, teacher…a chronicler & general smart ass

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