In general, there shouldn’t be too much blood in the incident you described ( stabbing in the eye with a butcher’s knife) … even, if the blade goes completely through the eye-socket, it will reach the brain tissue- which will cause much less bleeding than other organs, Also, the Eye itself doesn't bleed , most of the blood, in a wound like that, will come from the damage done while puncturing the skin and the little flesh there is on that part of out faces. Taking into consideration, the fact, that there are no main arteries in that part of our bodies, the bleeding should be limited. Also, if the attack is successful, ( which, in this case it seems to have been) it would mean that the victim died almost instantly, which also effects the amount of bleeding.
What interests me is why did you choose that way of killing your character? There is a reason why it was difficult to find any info on this particular subject , and it happens because incidents of killing someone by stabbing them through the eye are very very rare ( mainly because it is extremely unpractical)… even if we do not stop to linger on why would anyone who is holding a butchers knife go for the victim’s eye, instead of throat, heart… body parts which are much easier to reach, especially is the victim is fighting back or trying to defend itself, depending on the width of the blade and the angle of attack there is a big chance that the knife will break when hitting the skull- ( a butchers knife is too wide to go through the eye-socket alone) — people do not realize how strong are the bones in these parts of our skulls. Actually an attack like that would cause damage to the face, loss of an eye, but a direct, one-strike kill would be unlikely. Meaning that the attacker would have to “finish up” the job by attacking another body-part.
Another thing is the fact that , again, depending on a lot of factor, damaging the brain does not have to mean death ( I know a person who literary got shot through the forehead by a sniper and the bullet went in and out without damaging anything important). Thus, again, a kill like that would be very un-realistic ( not impossible, but …)
So ( and this is just me talking )… unless there is a reason why the victim needs to die in that particular manner ( the writer knows what it might be) I would suggest either changing the place where the victim was stabbed — or, if you do need to hold on to the “killed by being stabbed through the eye” — then have the attacker use something else than a butchers knife: an Icepik would do great ( and it also wouldn't cause too much bleeding), or any other weapon with a strong, thin blade. OF the kind that would allow the attacker to go straight through the eye and into the brain without hitting the bone..
Now- if you do not care too much about how realistic zor work is, then it is OK… But if you are trying to keep things s close to reality as possible then I would suggest that unless there is a reason why the victim needs to die in that particular manner ( the writer knows what it might be) you should either change the point where the victim was stabbed — or, if you do need to hold on to the “killed by being stabbed through the eye” — then have the attacker use something else than a butchers knife: an Icepik would do great ( and it also wouldn’t cause too much bleeding), or any other weapon with a strong, thin blade. OF the kind that would allow the attacker to go straight through the eye and into the brain without hitting the bone..
good luck with the novel