1 min readJan 28, 2020


I work in the media, and I have been doing it, professionally since I was 18 ( plus a bunch or unpaid work before that) — which makes for, almost, 25 years of dealing with both: information, and it’s relationship with the public- and I am not that certain that people’s ability to recognize BS has changed much- But, that has more to do with our psychology than intelligence. Meaning that people , more often than not, believe what they want to believe — thus ( consciously or not) closing their eyes when faced with information/proof which doesn’t fit whatever their idea at the moment is.

That being said: The way knowledge and information have spread across the globe ( for those who want them) has given us unprecedented options and it is being seen in almost everything. IF you take astronomy , for example, the new tools- as well as the spread of knowledge has been driving an exponential grow in our knowledge — and it will only increase in the future.

So, unlike a whole lot of people ( you- from what I gathered- do not seem to fall into that category) I also believe that the net results are good- and that they still are, and will continue to improve. Yes- there are downsides to all of it, but, overall, the past decades have been good when i comes to expanding our knowledge and increasing our abilities….

… I can not wait to see where it will take us.




reporter/journalist, musician. writer, teacher…a chronicler & general smart ass