I see the entire setup as something else, a purposeful glorification of the rich ( and the “good” that comes with wealth) as a way of controlling the masses and having the dance along the tune that the “powers that be” keep playing.
This is how it goes….. every American ( well, most of them, especially the middle and low-income classes) have been taught, since day one, that if they only work hard enough, play “by the rules” and keep their heads down, they will also, one day, become rich and prosperous. The fact that almost no one, ever, manages to do that ( or if one in several million does- he/she is paraded through the media as a “model” to be used to convince the others to keep following the routine. ) never computes, or is never mentioned. Becoming rich has been pushed from day one as the epitome of “the American dream” — and the entire society functions along the lines of who owns how much. If, for example, someone has excellent academic capabilities, or is a great artist, who did not manage to monetize their talent- he/she is automatically labeled as a “failure” — whereas anyone who manages to make money ( even it is through illegal means, or even by evil deeds) is a success.
The setup is so ingrained that even when they’re faced with better options, most of them do not realize that the given options are better for them since, if they accept “the other possibility” it would mean that they accepted that they will never become one of the rich.
Thus, everything that comes from another society, anything that doesn't fit the “free market democracy” model ( yes, I know that free market and democracy are not the same- but that is the way they have been sold for decades) is automatically labeled as “evil” “backward” or “bad for the society”- which explains why so many Americans who can not afford doctors still believe that free healthcare ( or education for that matter) is some sort of a communist idea that brings destruction to the society. Whereas the “individualism” which has brought a lot of societies to the brink of destruction, is hailed as an achievement ( sorry guys- I do not see being selfish as much of an achievement) — which is why no one will ever speak of how the rich truly live, or what it means for the family, and a person. Instead , the people are taught to strive that which they will never become.
It is, more or less, the principle of “divide and conquer” — — if the masses believe the setup, none of them will try to break the mold since, it would mean that they will never be able to become one of the rich- thus they will keep playing by the rules decided by the rich in order to keep “the others” as far from themselves as possible.
For, if the masses realized that none of them was ever meant to be rich, ( although they have been told something else) but instead they're supposed to work their butts off in order to get the rich people even richer- they might end up disliking the system and trying to change it into something that will suit the needs of the people. OR even worse, they might decide that “individualism” is nothing but a destructive idea and choose to become a group again.
In a way, it is ingenious- unlike communism, and dictatorships, which use violence and fear to keep the people in check- this system allows for the “powers that be” to keep doing what they do and rule without the need of extreme measures since it will be the dream of becoming rich that will keep the people doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing .
So “the rich” become idols and something to strive for while you work 14 hours a day in order to be able to pay the bills…. you get to dream about the day in which you rise above the masses and be a part of that exclusive club of “the rich”- who are overall a bunch of miserable , unhappy, bastards with no idea about life, or it’s purpose