I must say, you have an amazing way of mis-reading things, as well as attempting to twist the other’s sentences in order to make them fit your own view ( point).
Simple question:
Do you even know how Israel was created?
Do you think that hundreds of thousands ( initially…) of Jews that moved from Europe to “the holy land” , from 1945 to 1948, ( in what is known as Aliyah Bet, I believe) and later on , in the “big wave” which came after the declaration of independence and lasted up until the late 50’s , found empty lands and open spaces?
The entire territory was inhabited and those inhabitants had to be moved in order to make way for the new arrivals. Over 700 000 people were made to leave their lands in 1948 alone- and these are the UN figures, in case you were wandering.
Now, ( pay attention this is very important) : The forceful expulsion of one group: religious, racial, ethnic…being committed by another group with the purpose of creating an ethnically ( religiously, racially…) homogeneous territory is by any definition Ethnic Cleansing. …
You may not like it, or may not like it when it applies to Israel ( & for that matter neither do I) but, there is no way around it. What happened to Palestinian lands during the creation of Israel was a textbook example of ethnic cleansing.
( Unless, you are now going to tell us how about half of the Palestinian population just woke up one beautiful Sunday morning and spontaneously and voluntarily decided to leave the lands that were their home for centuries, in order to become refugees with no rights of return and whose descendants are still living in refugee camps 3 generations later)