I have started developing this belief that people, ( both men and women) who keep complaining that they always “end up” with SOB-s ( but he seemed such a nice guy) or “bitches” ( … but she appeared so different in the beginning) are in fact quite masochistic…. otherwise they wouldn’t always “end up” making the same mistake over and over again….
One thing I am not too certain about is your idea that some of these characters end up believing that they are , truly, nice people…. YOu have no idea how many times, when I was much younger, I heard … “ Just act like you care for a few days… then you’ll be able to do whatever you want “ — from people who were, at the time, older than me. Just like gold-digging women know very well hat they are doing- so do these guys. And yes, they can be rather dangerous in their own ways…
That being said, you have no idea how glad I am to be out of that mess, the emptiness , and all the many-faced games people on the dating scene play. Looking back, I sometimes wonder how the hell did I make it through those years, and it’s a real miracle that I didn’t end up hurting others- or being hurt myself. ( OK, I did get hurt once or twice… or three times, four…. but it was nothing that I couldn’t come back from) — — on another hand, it is good that back then, I didn’t know what I know now… I would have probably never gotten laid with this attitude :)