2 min readOct 8, 2021


I feel like I have to put my 5 cents here: ( basically it's because since I became a father I fully support everyone who decides to have children, with or without a partner)

From what I can gather , your current , long-term partner, despirte his age is "still not sure" does he want kids or not - in my experience, people like that are never going to "be sure" - about do they want kids or not , ( most lkely he doesn't want them- but by knowing that you do, he can not simply say that he doesn't so, he buys time with "not sure" . IF The guy is over 25, he knows does he want kids or not- everything else is a delay tactic) ) so , if he hasn't stepped up by now- he's never going to do it. In this case, your choice is : Do you want to waste more time on someone that doesn't want the same things out of life as you? And, in my humble opinion you already wasted enough, Or, are you going to move on . ( NOTE: Someone that doesn't want kids of his own is not going to stick around someone that decided to have children anyway- so, it's just a matter of time before you two split up. For your sake, and the sake of your future child, or children, it's better if you get rid of the dead weight ASAP- if anything, you might , for the "old times" sake, give him an ultimatum : "Are you going to become a father of mykids, NOW, or are you getting the hell out of my life")

Freezing your eggs might be a choice, but why do it if you can have children without the need for those procedures. As I stated before, I do not think that your current partner is ever going to want to have kids so, ditching him and trying to find someone that does share your values and desire for kids is probably the best option. I mean, you could go on and freeze your eggs, and/or continue "shopping" for acceptable DNA donors- but you should keep those as "Last resort" options - there are a lot of good men out there who desparately want to create families- and, despite what a lot of epople would say nowadays- families are important to children. Im not saying that a single parent won't do a good job- but it can get really difficult, and the children will always feel like they are "missing out" on something.

So, if at all possible, try to find someone that will be your true partner and who will want/love kuids as much as you do. If that fails, there are the above-mentioned options.

That being said, I wish you all the best in life & hope that you find your answers, and put your arms around your children in the shprtest ammount of time possible.

In the meantime, I hope I helped , at least a little bit.




Written by Q.

reporter/journalist, musician. writer, teacher…a chronicler & general smart ass

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