I don’t know have you noticed but I am not even attempting to respond and get into an endless argument with characters who ( purposefully or out of ignorance… and my bet is on the second) keep confusing Palestinians and Arabs and say that Al Naqba was some sort of a voluntary movement. It would become a very lengthy argument which would lead nowhere. Just like about anything else when it comes to this subject.
That being said, I wouldn’t call Celeb Mars or Erik Taylor liars, I might disagree with their opinions, but they do seem to believe in what they’re saying so, in the worst case : “not fully informed” .
As for the right…. that’s the thing, I have a very unpopular opinion and that is that they both have the right to be there, and that that land does belong to both Palestinians and the Jews. It is the only home any of them have and none of the two has any choice but to accept it & the sooner that happens, the better it will be for all of us.