Hell no… they are actually the opposite side of the same coin… the ones who you can not control through “official” channels, you control through invented conspiracy theories and people paid to keep in check those that would, otherwise, be searching on their own … thus avoiding the risk of anyone accidentally running into real facts.
The only thing Icke, and the rest of the bunch are good for, is, that for those who want to see, they do send the message that there are other ways of looking at things, not just what the mainstream is saying.
but there are simpler ways of figuring out what is happening, and much more down to earth explanations than lizards from space running everything …
BTW — how come that both extremely religious individuals, as well as those who subscribe to hmmm… “alternative” theories, whenever they are asked to prove what they are saying… or at least give a logical explanation for their beliefs, automatically switch to offending, attacking and basically doing whatever they can to avoid answering????
I mean, are you trying to avoid publicly failing to explain something you claim to believe in… or, are you trying to avoid personally facing the questions which, if answered, might make you think about your beliefs ???