3 min readJan 16, 2019


Getting people to “rise like lions” against the corrupt institutions will end up with replacing one set of corrupt officials and “leaders” with another…

If anything, the last 200 years of human history have taught us that whenever someone propagates “rising” against the establishment, the real reasons have nothing to do with the people, but with the desire of those who are not in power- to get there. there are studies and studies about the phenomena… It always ends up the same, — there is about 10% of population which is privileged due to their belonging to the momentary elite, and about 80% of population simply tries to survive- then, there s a change, a lot of senseless violence while the “new” elements clean up the “old” ones… and finally, the ruling 10% are replaced by another ruling 10% while the 80% of the population- the ones that always suffer the most during these changes, keeps living in the same, or worse, manner…

Besides, the opposition is usually as good, or even better at twisting facts and controlling their narratives as the establishment — But, the fact that they are not in power at the moment even gives them a bit more credibility with the masses who do not want to believe that they are being played by the both sides which, in fact, have nothing but their own interests in mind… It is the same with the media… MSM ( in the US- there is always a big difference between the states and the rest of the planet) misinterprets and/or changes facts… the “alternative” media keep pushing their personal opinions as facts… at the end, the only losers are in the audience- which has been cleanly divided between “us” and “them” — and since there is almost no communication between the camps, it is very easy for both sides to push their own narratives as some sort of truth

The real change… the one so many people say they want, does not come by the poeple rising to support the future corrupt establishment against the current corrupt establishment… it happens only when the 80% realize they are being used by both sides, and decide to ignore both the establishment, and the ones who are telling them to rise up ( after all, they are not making these calls for the people, but because they want to become the establishment themselves) , and start taking responsibility for both their actions, and their in-action.

Just look at the current favorite villain, DOnald TRump…. although it is very difficult to find anything good to say about him or his presidency… He has been soo useful for so many individuals who have been using the current obsession with him in order to get into the spotlight — How many “analysts” or “Experts” would be completely unknown if it wasn't for the fact that there is a vast number of people ready to swallow anything that is pointed against Trump? … It has become not only fashionable, but even good for business to keep blasting at Him ( after all- it is easy, and there are no consequences)

I wonder how much money has been made by various “intellectuals” and “liberals” during the past two years due to nothing else than “criticize Trump” logic… And none of them even offers a decent solution to any of the problems — it is not on their agenda — ALL they have to do is say “trump is insane” ( doubtful) or “he is a complete idiot” ( seems quite true) … and they will be labeled as “smart” or “liberal” …

And, when things change in a couple of years.. the same “anti-establishment” individuals will be fighting tooth and nail to get to their place in the sun, while the ones who are currently supporting the idiot, will take over the role of the current opposition and keep earning , but this time by doing what the “alternatives” are doing now… simply criticize the ones “up there” in order to keep themselves in the public eye..

Pats on the back, “cuddoes” and “Good job” and “What a smart article” are good for the ego, but the truth is they do not bring change for the vast majority of the people… What the people need is for both sides to stop using them in their fight for power, or at least realize that they are being used, even by the ones who, at the moment, seem like they are functioning in their interest…




Written by Q.

reporter/journalist, musician. writer, teacher…a chronicler & general smart ass

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