3 min readJan 20, 2019


From what I have been seeing for the past 30 years, the nation-states are on their way out… but I do not think it will happen very fast, it will take a few more generations to get rid of them completely, just as soon as the remaining nations that never had a state manage to get theirs…

I am from the Balkans ( I know I keep repeating this, but I think it provides some context)- to be more specific, Kosovo, once a part of the multi-national entity known as Yugoslavia… I ( together with another 22, 23 million other people) had a front-raw seat for the decade-long spectacle known as the death of Yugoslavia- which incidentally became the birthing process of 7 new States… and all of them based on the idea of a nation-state.

The new states that came out of Yugoslavia — became what they are , in a lot of cases, due to the fact that the people living in these parts never had a state of their own …. just look at Kosovo, ever since the Romans — there was someone else sending their armies ad ruling the region…During the Ottoman era Kosovo had the honor of being the most rebel-prone territory of the empire- something like 50 rebellions in 500 years — then there was WWI- and we were all thrown in “the kingdom”.. then WWII and Tito…( who, BTW, did a great job … but left no way of the system functioning without him leading it) ..

And the same can be said about Macedonia, bosnia etc….

Now, the point is that once the people got their nation-state, and teh euphoria died down, we started realizing that the idea itself in pure nonsense, that it is completely insane to even think that in to days world a nation-state could be functional entity… We learned…

But there are still large populations who have been carrying their fight ( just like we carried ours) for along time and who are still deprived of their state.. The Kurds pop up as an excellent example… And they are not going to stop their fight with any of the “parent” states ( Iran, Iraq, Syria or Turkey) …until they manage to take control of their territory… And there are others too

But, the moment they do get their state.. they will start seeing what we have seen, and change their approach and way of thinking…

And once they do…

As for the EU — — it will go down, not because of the reasons poeple usually think of, but because it has served it’S intended purpose….

Some will say it more openly, others wont- they will talk about equality, economy, human rights…. but the EU was established ( due to a lot of British pressure) as a way to ensure that there will be no repetition of 1914 or 1940… that the European powers will not go to war against each other again. And to that effect it was very, very efficient….

SO efficient, in fact, that for most Europeans, going to war against another European country is simply un-thinkable… And, with the new generations coming in and the ones who remember the divides dying off, the chances of new European wars are getting smaller and smaller…

SO, to that effect, it has done it’S job.




Written by Q.

reporter/journalist, musician. writer, teacher…a chronicler & general smart ass

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