FBI and the US military are not the same thing, they do not even have the same areas of responsibility …. Also, dhe FBI has no influence, let even “control of the reigns” of the Pentagon..
Both the FBI and the Military are simple tools- the responsibility falls on those who decide how to use them…
Also, I am just wondering…. In case the FBI is dismantlement… what will replace it? The US, with it’s various local, state and federal laws- needs an agency that covers the entire country and is not limited by state boundaries… And, they are the only ones who have the capacity and the legal blocking to function in whole lot of criminal investigations. So, who takes over? Or, should the US create a completely new agency that will, at the end of the day, serve the same purpose and do the same things…. For as long as the ones who have the power to choose how these agencies are used are the same, the “tools” at their disposal will be used in the same manner … what needs to be changed , or dissolved, is not the agency itself- but the system that allows such usage of this, and other agencies, in similar fashion.