Everybody doesn't sext…..
I would guess that a lot of sad, lonely characters who have no other way of feeling good about themselves do, but, there are so many human beings on this planet who do not need that kind of affirmation (usually because they have a real life, real relationships with real people)
I will place a 5 to 1 bet that the majority of the characters who shared their pictures without hesitation would never, in real life ( yes, I am saying that there is a “real’ life, and then there is the Internet existence) simply pull their pants down and show off whatever there is to show.
Sexting, sending naked pics, sharing videos etc…. those are all the escapes of the individuals who have no courage to act in real life, so they convince themselves that on-line existence is the same as living.
And then, people wonder why there are so many of the “Incel” kind of characters …. people who have found and excellent screen to hide behind instead of facing life.
I mean, I am not against sexting, or any of these practices, but making them the center of existence, and simply believing that “everybody does it” is simply wrong. Although by thinking like that it is much easier to explain to yourself why , after all the “sexts”, internet conversations and all the pics and the videos, people still fall asleep in an empty bed ( or even if there is someone in it, you know that the person will not be there tomorrow, or the day after that).
No, not everybody does it……
There are still those who prefer experiencing things for themselves, even if it means getting out there and looking at other people in the eye ( what a scary thought…)