And it is the unfortunate truth….
Although we all know how things should be ( in an ideal world there will be no need for self-defense classes) — the reality is that there are idiots out there, and these idots can be dangerous- And they do not believe in communication so they can not be “talked out” of whatever it is they want to do at the moment.
SO, when faced with these idiots, there are very few options left… run, fight, or be their victim… and since running is often not a viable option …
Lets put it like this, one of the first things I did when me and my ( now) wife started becoming a bit more serious ( she already had some bases in self defense techniques)… is to teach her how to improve on those techniques , but also how to carry, hold, and use a knife — ( Men are generally stronger than women, and in cases when there is more than one attacker involved a woman shoudl have a “force equalizer” ) —
I did it ( so did she) with the real hope of her never having to use what I was teaching her- but, I also understood that I am not going to be with her 24/7 ( Now would I want to be “joined at the hip” with anyone) — and that ass wholes pop up when you least expect them. SO, in case she ends up in a mess- she better have a way out of it.
I do not know should I say that it was fortunate or unfortunate , but within 2 years , she ended up in 2 situations when these teachings were the difference between her coming home safe, and becoming a victim…. And I am really, really glad that she was a good student and learned quickly what should be done.
so, self-defense for women is something that is very, very needed … From what I have seen, the men who are willing to use violence against women, are in fact rather weak individuals, who would never dare to attempt to use the same violence on men- SO, the basic logic dictates that, if more women were capable of kicking their asses ( and it is not that difficult)- and they knew it… they would be much more hesitant to use any kind of violence.
Yes, I know… Ideally, there would be no need for violence, some men would never get aggressive towards the ones that are weaker than them, while women will never have to feel scarred while walking down a dark alley…
But that is not how things function- and avoiding everything that has to do with confrontation and simply talking about how things should be while hoping that nothing bad ever comes your way — is a recipee for becoming a victim.
Now, until the new generations grow up and, hopefully, learn from current society and become better men than we are… It sure as hell that women need ways of protecting themselves.