What do you do when the truth us the only thing that can set you free, but at the same time it’s…Feb 8, 2024Feb 8, 2024
A bit of helpevery week i promise myself to find the time to finally start writing for medium again. And every week i get swamped with other stuffNov 19, 2023Nov 19, 2023
02 11 ( or 11 02)oK.. It’s the 2nd of November ( November 2nd for our friends from the US) and it’s still well over 20 degrees C in Prishtina.Nov 3, 2023Nov 3, 2023
BACK! BACK! I AM BACKI don’t know how many, if any, of my old followers are here now. Or of any of you guys still care about what I might have to say — but…Jan 27, 2023Jan 27, 2023
Your instincts ( or thoughts) are pretty much correct, only, not exactly for the reasons you might…As someone who has made that "crossover" from being a single to becoming a parent I can sincerely tell you that , Although I am male…May 14, 20211May 14, 20211
An idea about the “simulated” Universe and quantum properties of particles….OK.. I never really subscribed to the simulation hypothesis simply because, to me, it seems a lot like some sort of a religious explanation…May 14, 2021May 14, 2021
OK.. I never really subscribed to the simulation hzpothesis simply because, to me, it seems a lot…Yet, rather recently, I was doing some thought experiments and an I had an idea which might explain how a simulation like that could be put…May 14, 2021May 14, 2021
IF YOU WANT EQUALITY- STOP DIVIDING( or : we can not be equal while we concentrate on differences)Mar 1, 2021Mar 1, 2021